Thursday, February 3, 2011

South Africa Day 3, Wild Dogs and More

Our third day at Madikwe was great! The reserve is known as the best place to see wild dogs, which are endangered. We were constantly looking for the dogs, while the rangers were trying to track them by looking for paw prints in the dust.

Finally, we ran into a ranger from a private lodge where the dogs were last spotted with a kill. Lucky for us! The lodge was kind enough to let us into one of their suites, where we could stand on the balcony to observe the dogs.

The wild dogs were very social with each other, but seeing us on our feet made them very nervous. We stayed for a good 30 minutes, just observing the dogs.

Babies babies! Our visit coincided with the beginning of the rainy season and the animals giving birth. We saw many mini's stumbling around, trying to stay upright and master the art of walking on four legs.

1 comment:

  1. thats amazing! those dogs are wild looking. in the picture of you 2, you look like true safari-er's,
    so cute!
